
Thursday 13 April 2017

Mrs Manu

Today was the most sad day ever our Mrs Manu is retirementireing. Ters were shared through out the class's and we will miss her dearly. I hope she has a grate retirement.

On behalf of our school we will miss you Mrs Manu.

WALHT-decorate a cup cake using a easter theme.

We made a easter cup cakes today. We had to decorate our cakes within 15m. We were all trying to finish first. It was nerve braking. there was a prize for the best cup cake. the prize was a chocolate bunny.

These are our cup cake.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Tamaki River Family Tree

This is the tamaki river family tree we drew this because the omaru creek is apart of Tamaki river.

Math game

This is a game that I have play many times.It is a fun learning exsperenens for everyone and it helps with area and was not that hrad for me 

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Letter to parents T1W10

Glen Innes School
38 Eastview Road
Glen Innes

4 April 2017

Dear Mum

Our school is having a’’drop in cafe’’ in our hall on Wednesday April 5 2:00 pm and I really want you to come. I can also want to tell you about my levels in math,writing and reading. For Maths I got 3B and for writing I got a 2P, finally for reading I got 3A.

But the national standard for my age is a 4A. I have to work harder and harder this term especially on my writing also on my reading. I hope to get a 4A by the end of the year.

I have been doing some maths to acceleration my learning in math.I also want to practice some writing  and to do that I will write paragraphs to help me in school work.And for reading I have lot of books at home to read so I can read those to help me in reading.

Your loving child